Summer Children Choir 暑期的兒童合唱團

We are glad to have Pastor Choi comes to lead the Summer Children Choir from June 16 to June 20.  His university major is Music Education with years of experience in choir conducting. Founder of Fort Bend Symphony Orchestra and conductor from 1992 - 1997.   

Will have songs singing, Bible Study, games, and snacks.  free T shirt. 

Please print out and fill out the registration form below by click at the top right corner of the form area.  and contact us to turn in the form with the fee.

我們非常榮幸得到蔡牧師來帶領我們暑期的兒童合唱團從6月16日至6月20日。                                 【師資介紹】  ■ 肯薩斯大學(音樂教育學士)
                          ■ 有多年合唱團指揮經驗                   